How To Make Killer Videos For YouTube

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Why Video?  Why YouTube?

There are multiple threads focused on questions of how to create video content and how to create more effective video content on sites like reddit or Quora.  We see the benefits of video content in attracting attention and driving action.  By producing natively for target platforms, our videos become integral pathways for modern interactions and relationships. 

For video content and platforms, YouTube is the measure.  It sits atop the heap for one specific reason.  Ownership by Google makes it a unique combination of content delivery, social platform, and search engine.  (Note: Depending upon how statistics are calculated, YouTube ranks as high as 2nd among worldwide search engines.)

If you want to build a brand or attract an audience, they can be found consuming content on YouTube.  

Our Challenge

YouTube as arguably the #2 search engine is a planetary “Where’s Waldo” game for content producers.  The difference is that we are Waldo trying to be found!  


  • It processes over 3B searches per month.  (Yeah….billion….per month!)
  • Over 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute.  
  • It enjoys over 1B unique visitors who consume over 6B hours of video per month.  

Now The Good News…..

Quality, Value, and Consistency characterize the winners.  Get-rich-quick hypers and big-budget bullies are attracted to the attention and audience. Lucky for us, they fail to invest the time and effort to develop skill on the platform or learn to cultivate an audience.  

If you practice your skill and put in the work, you can build a brand and an audience on the platform.  Small changes and improvements in your content can produce big gains in viewership and audience behavior.  This small-change / big-gain dichotomy is a direct result of YouTube’s size and diversity. These lead to the platform being filled with countless millions of hours of bad content about every imaginable topic! 

  Here is where Killer Video comes in!  

Seemingly insignificant changes can produce noticeable positive results!  Results like:

  • Easier Attention Attraction
  • More Engagement
  • Targets becoming Viewers who become Actors

Killer Videos help your content become more like off-line relationships. You talk directly to specific targets who learn more about you. You no longer interact impersonally with disengaged individuals whom you interrupted. 

Note: For individuals and companies utilizing (or wanting to utilize) video within their funnel, this offers exciting opportunities.  Imagine small content changes producing results like these……

  • Patching “leaky” funnels by minimizing abandonment inside your progression
  • Offering new conversion points within your progression for listeners ready to convert 

Check out the free Killer Video webinar today.  

Using the suggestions and techniques…..

  • Make cold audiences warmer
  • Motivate warm audiences to convert
  • Get converting audiences to share

Watch the Killer Video webinar for free and start improving your content today!  

Extra: List of SirusDigital Apps And Tools

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