book notes and review

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The growth potential of most businesses is limited by the emotional intelligence of their leaders.
book notes and review

Notes On Twelve And A Half

More than anything, Twelve And A Half is Gary Vaynerchuk’s viewpoint standing against the normed trope of bullying, “get-ahead”, domineering business leaders that have gotten so much attention over the past few years. He highlights that it is time for us to acknowledge & celebrate the “hearts” of leaders in the same ways that we highlight their “heads” or “drive”. His ideas are model of success, but not the model to achieve it! It truly is a window into more of who he is and what he values versus the more commonly-seen aspects of what he does.

The Ultimate Sales Machine - Chet Holmes
book notes and review

Notes on The Ultimate Sales Machine

In this post, I will be reviewing The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. While published in 2008, it highlights key insights and sales relationship-building keenly missing in today’s environment.

In our drive to create funnels and enable automation, we often forget the normal progression of a sales cycle (awareness -> attention -> engagement -> conversion).

The E-Myth Revisited - Featured Image
book notes and review

My Thoughts On E-Myth Revisited

This is a book review containing my notes from The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About it by Michael E. Gerber. On average, there is a 50% failure rate in their 1st year and 80% failure rate within their 1st 5 years.
Gerber’s goal is sharing a process and system for building a business that defies those odds.

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