What You Don't Want
Editor’s Note: This newsletter was originally published on Monday, September 19th, 2022.
There have been times when I looked outside my office with some jealousy at the landscape guys riding on mowers. It looks like a calm, low-stress job with just you, a mower, and some grass that needs cutting.
At least for this week, I’m not jealous anymore!
We had to clean up and mulch the beds around our house because they had not been maintained in a while. We even got one of the dreaded “letters” from our HOA directing us to fix the problem.
First off, kudos to our Barrett Downs HOA & Management company! My wife let them know that I had just had surgery so our maintenance would be delayed. There was no issue & they were fine with us waiting for my recovery to do the work. #Kudos & thanks!
As we got started with the work this week, we had 13 cubic yards of mulch delivered and dropped onto our driveway. For everyone, that’s equivalent to 351 cubic feet (or over 2500 GALLONS / 50-50 gallon drums) worth of space.
I got to shovel and wheelbarrow a good portion of it with the help of the family.
My Dad joked that “there would be a sense of accomplishment at the bottom of that pile”. Along with that were some pretty sore muscles & multiple doses of Ibuprofen! LOL
In the end, we finished up yesterday morning (Sat). It took about 5 days to work a couple of hours per day in the afternoons.
- Yes, there was a sense of accomplishment.
- Yes, we’re glad to have that pile removed from our driveway.
- Yes, we are happy with how our yard now looks.
- No, I’m not jealous of the landscapers! (I’ll happily stick to being a tech geek!)
This is definitely one of those times when I can be thankful that the Universe showed me something else that I really don’t want to do!
Be careful what you ask for – you might get it (at least for a few tough days)! LOL
Hope you have a great week
Unrelated Sports Mention
- UGA moved to 3-0 with their pummeling of South Carolina on Saturday. While keeping the shutout (that went until the final 53 seconds would have been nice), celebrating the Win is key! Something tells me that @SECShorts will be calling out the “SEC Police” or “Going to the SEC Principal’s Office” gags pretty soon if this continues. Until then, #GoDawgs
- The Atlanta Braves finished a sweep of the Philadelphia Phillies today. With those three (3) losses, the Phillies are only 2 games ahead in the NL Wildcard race ahead of the Milwaukee Brewers. (Talk about strange bedfellows that this week the Phillies will be rooting for the Mets in their upcoming Brewers series!) Either way, the Braves continue to trail the Mets by one game for the division lead. In all likelihood, it’ll come down to the end-of-regular-season Braves-Mets series to decide the division.
- The Falcons were unable to complete their own 28-3 comeback today against the LA Rams. As has now been the case for the 0-2 Falcons, they show flashes but fail to put together a complete game required to earn a win. They take on the Seattle Seahawks next. #ImprovementsRequired
Catch up on last week in search with the SEO video recap covering the Google helpful content update in more detail, Search Console impacted by the review type changes, Google Ads updates and much more https://t.co/1F3ka32dHB
— Barry Schwartz (@rustybrick) September 12, 2022

I liked this quote when I saw it!
We often hear a lot of people blaming others for their lack of (or loss of motivation). That is simply an excuse and cop-out!
Taking accountability for your motivation and effort is one of the first steps to better outcomes. So long as we point to others, we are giving away the control to enact change.
Just keep in mind that you are in control. While we do not control outcomes, we certainly are in charge of our effort and responses to them.
Make sure yours is your best today!
It's clear SEOs can't keep up debugging what all these updates do.
— Fabrizio Ballarini (@Pechnet) September 12, 2022
Instead of questionable guess work focus on adding tangible value by creating more content on your website.
No matter how the update goes you will grow because you have more pages 😉 (assuming they are good) https://t.co/HPEVwS6otF
For those checking out the book reviews, I reviewed Twelve And A Half (Amazon affiliate link) by Gary Vaynerchuk. You can check out my notes at this link.
Keep a lookout as I have finished reading the following books and will be posting my notes for those very soon!
- E-Myth Revisited (Amazon affiliate link) by Michael Gerber [review notes link]
- One Million Followers (Amazon affiliate link) by Brendan Kane
- Content Inc. (Amazon affiliate link) by Joe Pulizzi
- Twelve And A Half (Amazon affiliate link) by Gary Vaynerchuk
What Are the Benefits of a Sitemap? Thread 1/2
— Maleng Solutions Ltd (@MalengLtd) September 12, 2022
Architectural sitemaps benefit clients, developers, designers, and SEOs. Sitemaps allow clients to see everything included on the website before development – pages, content, CTAs. pic.twitter.com/A4MZ7kqpyj
Other Links
- Another WordPress / Zero-Day vulnerability
- If you are using the plug-in (WPGateway), the advice is to remove it until the developers release an update to correct it. It allows hackers targeting the site to create an administrative user & effectively take control of the site. If exposed to this vulnerability, protect your site as quickly as possible.
- For an additional security vulnerability to watch, enhanced spellcheckers in some browsers can expose secure information. Beware!
- Google’s Search On event – September 28th
- Google schedules these types of events where they share the future of Search and clarify how it works for those of us utilizing it. It’s time well spent for those of us working in the SEO / content arena.
- Zero Search Volume Keywords
- A lot of SEO and Content Marketing experts would discount targeting of zero [or low] volume keywords. However, remember that we need to focus on Value (not Volume)! If you are publishing content that attracts/satisfies your target audience, you will rank effectively over time and generate traffic.
- As an additional point, check out this post on Building Content Pillars. Again, put your time and effort into addressing the needs & wants of your audience. Ranking & Traffic are objectives & measures; not outcomes.
- Early Value Delivery – Agile Principles
- For the Agile/Scrum interested parties, early delivery of value is a primary reason for starting an agile journey for your organization. Projects succeed and fail, but by focusing on early delivery/user feedback, we learn more quickly what is possible & whether anyone is even interested.
Check out this post on our website if you are a Bankruptcy Attorney.
Note: The ideas are relevant across a number of legal (and non-legal) verticals so be sure to use what is valuable in your specific situation!
A micro-influencer campaign may be just what you need to take your marketing strategy to the next level. The first step is to continue reading.https://t.co/LaRYB8vi6Z
— Social Marketing Solutions (@SocialMktgSltns) September 18, 2022
Your guide to seasonal content marketing https://t.co/u4wHfvS98c pic.twitter.com/Xnqh8WFJy2
— John Lincoln (@johnelincoln) September 12, 2022