How To Whitelist Email From

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Few things are as frustrating as expecting an email from a new acquaintance or awaiting a key to some content that you have already purchased and finding it patiently waiting for you in your SPAM folder! How many of us have waited for a couple of days, called to complain to the Help Desk, and threatened to reverse the charges for our purchase, only to find that it has been there all along?

To avoid that hassle with us a, here are some steps that you can follow with the standard email systems (both installed to your workstation and on-line clients):

Microsoft Outlook

1. On the Tools menu, click Options
2. On the Preferences tab, click Junk E-mail
3. On the Safe Senders tab, click Add
4. Add where it says “Add address”
5. Click OK


1. First, if you find email from us in your Gmail spam folder, select our email and click the “Not Spam” button
2. Next, open an email that you have received from us
3. Click on the little down-pointing-triangle-arrow next to “Reply”:
4. Click “Add to Contacts list”

Apple Mail for OS X

1. First, if email from ends up in your junk folder, highlight or open it and click “Not Junk” at the top of your screen.
2. Go to Mail > Preferences from your Mail menu
3. Go to the Rules tab
4. Select Add Rule
5. Give this rule a name such as “”
6. Create a rule that says “If any of the following conditions are met: ‘From’ ‘Contains'” and then paste in “”
7. From the actions, select ‘Move message’ to mailbox ‘Inbox’.
8. Click “OK”


To whitelist our address with Hotmail you will need to add to your Hotmail Safe List. Here’s how:

1. First, if you find email from us in your Hotmail junk folder, open the email and click “Not Junk”
2. Next, check to see if if the email address is on your Blocked Senders list. If you find on your Hotmail blocked senders list, select it and click on the “Remove” button.
3. Next, open your mailbox and click “Options” in the upper right hand corner
4. At the top of the page, click on the “Junk E-mail Protection” link
5. Next, click on “Safe List”, which is down near the bottom
6. Copy and paste where it says “Type an address or domain”
7. Click the “Add” button


To whitelist in Thunderbird, you will need to add to your address book, and then set up your Thunderbird Junk Mail Controls to whitelist your address book.

1. First, if you find email from in your Junk folder, right-click on our email and choose “Mark as Not Junk”
2. Next, click the Address Book button
3. Highlight the Personal Address Book
4. Click on “New Card”
5. In the “Contact” tab of the new card, copy and paste to the email dialog box
6. Click “Ok”
7. Next, to whitelist your address book, select “Tools > Junk Mail Controls” from the drop down menu
8. Update the “White Lists” module under the “Settings” tab by selecting “Personal Address Book” from the drop down menu, and then check the box next to “Do not mark messages as junk mail”
9. Click “Ok”


To whitelist with Yahoo!, you will need to set up a “filter” after first taking the following steps:

1. If you find email from is going to your Yahoo! bulk folder, open it and click “Not Spam”
2. Be sure that the address is not in your “Blocked Addresses” list. If is on your “Blocked Addresses” list, select it and click “Remove Block”

Now to create the filter:

3. Open your mail and click on “Mail Options” in the upper right hand corner
4. Select ‘Filters’ (in the bottom left corner)
5. On the Filters page, click “Add”
6. Select the “From header:” rule, and add “contains” and, which tells the system to put email with in your inbox and not the bulk folder.
7. Click the “Choose Folder” pull down menu and select ‘Inbox’
8. Pick the Add Filter button


You do not need to whitelist email from in Postini unless you find it trapped in the “Junk” area by Postini.

1. Log into your Postini account
2. Look to see if any email from is listed in your Junk area
3. If you find email from in the Junk area, check the check box next to the email from
4. Click the “Deliver Selected” link at the very top of the Junk screen
5. On the next screen, click the “Approve Sender” check box next to the email from
6. Click the “Approve Selected Senders” button

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