How To Be Interesting To Prospects and Clients!
This is one of my favorite quotes that I gleaned while reading The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. (Note: Link is an Amazon affiliate link!)
This was a part of his chapter on Sales, but it is salient and appropriate for us all in life!
It is important that we ARE what we want! There are multitudes of relationships (be it marriages, parent-child, friendships, etc) that are damaged and broken by people who want something from the other parties that they themselves are unwilling to give in return.
Make no mistake! This is hypocritical and only leads to pain (usually for everyone involved).
We could add any number of corollaries:
- If you want to be heard, listen.
- If you want to be seen, watch and acknowledge.
- If you want to be loved, be loving.
Many of our biggest problems are the ones that we ourselves create & a major cause of them is expecting what we are unwilling to give.
Let’s commit together to light that better way!
For those following along, this is Episode 3a which covered selected posts from March 2002.
Be sure to check out videos 3b and 3c as well as this particular month had some GREAT posts.
Here are a few other things that I have caught my eye this week! I included a quick synopsis, but I would love to hear your thoughts on them as well!
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
There has been a lot of attention recently on the topic of Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) as organic reach and traffic have gotten more and more difficult to grow. While it is not “impossible” to build organically, it is definitely not as easy as it once was and requires longer, more-focused effort. Pay-Per-Click is an option, but you need to make sure that your Ads (and your handling of the traffic you purchase) are spot on.
The Facebook Algorithm
I’ve talked quite a bit recently about algorithms. This article does a good job of providing background to understand Facebook’s algorithm. It is especially important as organic impressions on the platform have declined to an approximately 6% average.
Ultimately, Facebook seeks to be like a TV network keeping “viewers” on its platform. The algorithm rewards those who create content that users engage with and keep them using Facebook.
Empty Malls
The decline in American malls has been a phenomenon arising largely out of the growth and advance of online options like Amazon. As more and more of us shop online, there are fewer and fewer reasons to have large buildings with largely cookie-cutter stores. Covid-19 has exacerbated the problem, but let’s not kid ourselves, this isn’t a “new” problem.
That said, out of problems can come opportunities. Amazon (and other online retailers) are using some of this mall space as warehousing and drop-shipping facilities. Other businesses and entities have found creative uses for these properties. I’ve even seen one transitioned into a “paint-ball” facility creating an indoor gaming arena. As with everything else, things adapt and evolve or they wither. This has been the case for a long time, it is simply the pace of change that is now different.
LinkedIn Stories
For those who have been using Facebook and Instagram Stories, LinkedIn has now added the feature as well. They function in a similar fashion and offer some keen opportunity for messaging to your audience.
Be sure to share your favorite links in the comments below or via email.