These are excerpts from our July 27th, 2020 newletter.
It is mailed on Monday mornings and contains insights on business, digital marketing, and technology news.
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Reprinted Effective Virtual Meetings
Here is a link to that post.
These are the specific recommendations.
- Topics – Have your Topics and Decisions/Actions Expected determined before the meeting
- @Bob – Be sure to directly identify the person (or group) to whom you are speaking
- Ban the #MutedBlankScreen – Where feasible, have participants enable video
- Share Responsibility – Delegate coordination and logistical activities to someone other than the Presenter/Facilitator
- Make Them Shorter – Target issues requiring most focus for early parts of the session and avoid having too many items to address
As virtual meetings have become more the norm, these recommendations are even more important. Effectiveness in meetings is a practiced skill.