What Do YOU Think?
This week’s quote & thought is something that I’ve been thinking about for a while. I’ve written about it before, but I would love to hear what you think about it.
The fundamental point is that simply do the things we want to do. If it is tough or challenging, we usually find a way. If it is expensive, we complain, but increase our money/cut our expenses to afford it.
Similarly, if it is something that we really do not want to do, we find a way not to do it.
I really would like to hear your thoughts on the topic as I think it is going to have a widespread cultural impact as we move forward.
If it strikes a nerve with you too, feel free to forward and share with a friend. There’s nothing I would like better than for us to start talking about this as I think it is a conversation that is soon coming in a number of areas.
Note for March Madness Fans:
Congratulations on your successful picks & sorry about the ones that you missed. Take heart that you’ve beaten me since I didn’t pick any this year.
No matter how poorly your picks have faired, you are ahead of me! 🙂
As we lead our day-to-day lives, this reality becomes more and more evident.
We have just passed a year since our culture experienced the tumultuous shift due to Covid-19 and the subsequent shutdowns worldwide.
In many places, case numbers have stabilized and vaccine availability is fairly widespread.
That said, how “open” things like businesses, schools, offices, and churches are is disparate depending upon a multitude of factors. Whether it is local sentiment, government mandate, or some blend of multiple factors, we are mostly in the midst of another “different normal”, but definitely not what any of us knew as “normal”.
Knowing that I still contend that the above quote is a fundamental guiding principle. Regardless of what we say or what is dictated by others, we will all find ways and justifications to do the things that we want to do.
If there is one thing that we should all learn from Covid-19, it is this simple fact. We can find reasons to do (or not do) most anything that we want to do (or not do)!
As things continue to progress, this will continue to be a reality we have to consider. In our families, businesses, churches, etc., things will likely not return to what we knew as “normal”. They will be different because we want them to be. We will just find a different reason, justification, or excuse for them to be that way!
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New digital marketing ideas and strategies seem to come about all the time. In many cases, they are just online or technology-driven implementations of historic marketing techniques.
As you are building and executing your digital marketing strategies, identify techniques that fit with how you like to interact with your market. Often your best options are those practices that best match how you build relationships in “real life”!
If you need some help with your content or ad programs, let us know. We can talk over your goals and see where I and my team can help.
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For those checking out the book reviews, I finished The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. My post of notes from the book is complete. You can check it out on my blog at this link.
If you would like to read along, I will be starting Content Inc. by Joe Pulizzi soon.
Note: Book links are Amazon affiliate links.