In Sunshine; In Rain
Editor’s Note: This newsletter was originally published on December 6th, 2021.
It has been a pretty frustrating weekend on my sports fan front!
Saturday night, my Georgia Bulldogs were beaten by the Alabama Crimson Tide by a score of 41-27. As they’ve done in earlier meetings, the Dawgs rushed out to an early 10-0 1st half lead but surrendered 24 2nd quarter points leading to their eventual 14 point loss.
Following up on Sunday, the Atlanta Falcons followed up with a similar 13 point loss (30-17) to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
interestingly, both games were played less than 24 hours apart in Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz stadium.
It wasn’t a huge surprise from the Falcons’ standpoint, but both teams did well stopping their opponent’s running game but had no answer in their passing games.
Ignoring the Falcons for a moment (who simply are what they are – a team struggling through a challenging season with mediocre talent at too many key positions), it was a surprise on Georgia’s point. For a team identified by its Defense all year, there were simply too many lapses to win.
That said…
- I am a Georgia fan (and unfortunately a Falcons fan) when it is sunny and when it rains! Losing stinks, but that frustration could one day lead to some even greater joy. All it truly takes would be a reversal of outcomes to make those past bitter moments manifest that much sweeter!
- Yesterday’s Georgia loss also creates an opportunity to see a side of this team that, had they won, we might not have gotten to see. A bounceback is certainly not guaranteed, but if they are able to regroup and finish their drive for a championship, it will make it all the more fun!
In the end, the Dawgs fate is not set. As I often say, things are rarely as good or as bad as they appear in the moment. With their 3rd position ranking in the CFP rankings, they get the opportunity to play Michigan and possibly earn another shot at Alabama.
Here’s to Georgia finishing strong in what remains of a now – two-game season! #GoDawgs #BeatMichigan
P.S. There’s still a lot for the Falcons to play for as well. Outside of the Bucs, neither of the other two teams in their division are playing especially well – with the Panthers having just fired their OC midseason. Win the games that they can; identify the talent that’s going to be on this team going forward; finish strong this year & get ready to continue getting better going forward! #RiseUp
Keep a lookout as I have finished reading the following books and will be posting my notes for those very soon!
- One Million Followers (Amazon affiliate link) by Brendan Kane
- Content Inc. (Amazon affiliate link) by Joe Pulizzi

- For those who hold a faith-based worldview, you often hear a “pray-for-it-to-be-better” perspective.
- For others who aren’t believers (or are actively opposed to it), you hear an “it’s-all-on-you” point of view.
If you are continually interacting with your Creator and seeking his guidance in your day-to-day, you will develop a Grateful nature. You will also benefit from acknowledging that there is Someone else there with you along the journey. None of us are truly alone when He is there with us!
Likewise, putting in your best effort makes you an active participant in your story! Again, there is something greater about being a crew member on your ship as opposed to just acting like a passenger!
- Is there something that you should be praying more about?
- Where should you be putting in more work?
Shoot me an email if you read it. I’d love to hear your thoughts as well.
Counter intuitive but the best way to sell is to help customers by listening to their problems and recommending potential solutions, even if they’re not your startup's product or service.
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The Definitive Guide to Brand Storytelling (+ Free Template)
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Content Marketing Trends for 2022
There are going to be plenty of blogs, vlogs, whitepapers, and pitches about preparation for 2022 over the next few weeks. While the end of the year is a good time for reflecting on success and planning for the future, do not overlook the important work of aligning your objectives and goals.
Once you get your strategy determined (and any potential pivots planned), go ahead and start identifying the tactical techniques that you are going to use to achieve your goals.
Make sure to include an aspect of your plan to include Content Marketing Metrics (Measuring Success). It is just as important to be measuring your results and progress as it is to set your goals. Don’t overlook setting up a way to know when you are winning (or need to further adapt).
While this post on our website is focused specifically on Bankruptcy Attorneys, the ideas are relevant across a number of legal (and non-legal) verticals. Be sure to check it out.
Future-proofing your Business w/ SEO
One of the greatest benefits of your investment in SEO is the potential value that it can bring over the long term. While advertising (either physical or digital) is more directly focused on bringing in customers, most of your returns come immediately and it can feel a lot like “buying” customers in your business. Your work producing content and improving SEO can bring attention (and customers) over a much longer timeframe (and for greater long-term ROI).
It truly is similar to the difference between buying water versus digging a well. Both bring value, but you have to understand what types of value they return and over what timeframe.
Jumpstarting your Brand?
If you’re starting a new business or wanting to advance your brand, check out this post from Inc. In this case, they are highlighting an “older” technique that you can enact (or adapt) today!
A well-thought-out strategy is important in creating high-quality content fast. Here are 10 tactics, tips, and tools to use. via @tallchickvic:
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